John’s Story
We sit on the Verandah of the yacht club with John and Veronica and the cool of the Tradewinds, and he tells this story.
John tells the story of the ‘ship’ on the reef.
One day my boys came running saying, “Dad! Dad, there is a big ‘ship’ coming through the pass!!” They ran back to see it and then returned calling, “Dad! Dad, the ‘ship’ is going to Seven Islands instead of turning in around Anchorage Inlet.”Next they were back, out of breath. “Dad! The ‘ship’ is on the reef!!!”
Yes, there it was on the reef. The owner had overruled the skipper and told him to go to the other islets. Yes, he overruled the skipper.
Pretty soon the dinghy came ashore with cold beer and meat galore. The owner said they were in a predicament.
‘Yes,” I said, “I can see. And you are lucky the tide is out and soon will be back in!”
So with their strong stern thrusters they got themselves off the reef and anchored in the pass.
They invited Veronica and I to have dinner with them. What a ‘ship’ (a private yacht)! What a dinner! They had a swimming pool too. The owner used to work in the mines in Australia, and then got to designing drill bits and made a whole lot of money.
It was nearing the end of the season and they asked how my family was going to get back to Roratonga?
“ I can honestly say I did not know.”
“We’ll give you a lift, but we are leaving in the morning. Go back and think about it and let me know.” The owner said.
So we came back and drank some cold beer and decided then and there we would go in the morning.
“Boys, hurry up and pack!” I said.
We packed everything up that night and asked our friends on one of the yachts to lock up the yacht club before they left. We gave them all the meat, which they ate for 5 nights in a row before it was finished! They locked things up so tight, that we could not get back in the following season. Smile. Laugh.
The trip was first class. The meals were 5 star. There was so much space and we were treated like honored guests. It was an overnight to Aitutaki, where we stayed on land with my friends. I had not seen this friend since Outward Bound days. When I saw him I said: “Hey bro where have you been?” And he said: “ Right here!” And we laughed and laughed.
I called my boss and said: “Hey boss guess where I am?” “Where?” he said. I’m in Aitutaki.” “Good” he said, “because we did not know how we were going to get you home.”
My boss was so relieved! You know they have to pay a divergent fee to a ship going to Pago Pago, Samoa to get us here or take us back. It costs the government $8000 dollars! Then one more overnight and we were back in Roratonga.
We’ve been here as caretakers of Suwarrow for 5 years and love it. It is our call whether to come back again in the coming years. Someday, when I feel I have done all I can here, I will hand the job over to someone else. But I think it would be good for the caretaker to have his own boat for transportation to and from Roratonga.
We love it here though. The boys love it too. For now we will stay. It is still our call. But I don’t know how we will get back to Roratonga this year either. And I don’t expect another ship to arrive on the reefs offering me a first class ride! John laughed out loud.
“You want to go on an excursion on Saturday to where the birds are nesting?
“Yes, I said, we’d love to!”
“I’ll call on the VHF in the morning then.”
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